I spent most of my weekend woodshedding tunes for my gig last night. I played cocktail hour at a wedding at the Beverly Hills Hotel...the first instrumental jazz gig I've played since college. I carpooled up there from Orange with the bassist and we got there early enough to go into Hollywood in search of some food...we ended up getting hot dogs at Pink Dot on Sunset because we didn't have too much time....

I only have one picture from the gig because it was a working gig...this was before they let the guests in:

The group was piano, bass, guitar and sax....the guy who contracted us was supposed to sing and play a bunch of Jimmy Buffet and James Taylor songs but he ended up bailing out at the last minute and just let us do our thing. I think he was supposed to fill the guitar spot that they hired me for at the last minute but he didn't feel comfortable reading jazz lead sheets and didn't have time to actually learn any of the tunes...lucky for me....

After the gig we went to Cantors on Fairfax....after playing a Jewish wedding and seeing all of the food we decided on Deli food for dinner. I had an incredible Pastrami Reuben and a stuffed cabbage....

Sitting at the table next to us was comedian Fred Willard....I didn't want to bother him since he was with a big group of people so no pictures.