Quote Originally Posted by Nelskie
Dude! Hey, the conductor's takin' tickets to Tubeville on the A-Train, and if there was ever a little engine that could, it's the Epi Valve Jr!

This is one of the best lines of written word I have ever read. You should write for Rolling Stone. LMAO

Last night all I thought about was the Valve Jr. To simulate what I thought it might sound like I dialed in the Vox AC15 on the Valvetronix (different bird I know but class A amp nonetheless) and cranked that pup up to a frothy head. Apples and oranges sure, but I wanted to get a feel for what to expect. I haven't plugged into one yet and I probably won't until I actually take it home and do it there. I don't like demo'ing amps at the shop and especially at GC. There's just too much noise all around to really hear what's going on and I'm afraid it might sway my decision. It's gotta hit my skull right. I figure if it's not for me then I can just take it back and get something else BUT I'm pretty sure I'll dig it.

Like I said I haven't played any effects at all lately, not even reverb. I just love the unadulterated sound of straight up amp in a nice airy room (ie. my tiled livingroom with high ceilings). I'm only hoping that this little amp will give me a full sound...good combo of lows and highs...from a full range speaker. If it sounds like the Dean Markley battery powered amp in clear plastic then I'll exchange it for the Wah.