This is hands down the best bass i have ever laid hands on. With it's innovative magpi system you can blend a warm piezo tone with the great electric tone smooth to get it just how you want it. The piezo/acoustic tone is as close as you can come to upright in a "normal" bass, its just fantastic.
I could go on raving about it but lets make it short. It looks great, it sounds great, it feels great and i'm bloody happy about it

They are built to order so you can customize how you want it. Dave Wendler is a great guy, really nice to deal with and always helpful.
Oh and the price...they start from 999usd and then you add any extras you might want (like ebony board instead of pau ferro etc). And come one, 999usd for a handmade instrument thats just insanely good deal!!!!

oh and Dave also makes fantastic guitars, i do own one of those aswell :