I was fooling around today with the BYOC Large Beaver pedal I built recently. This is an Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi fuzz pedal clone, and I built mine to the "Triangle era" Muff specs. The kit can also be built to the "Ram's Head era" specs. The pedal comes with a built-in 4-way rotary switch to change the EQ voicing, a feature the original certainly didn't have. I thought it might be interesting to record a clip demonstrating the difference between the 4 EQ modes.

The linked clip is recorded using my new Xaviere XV870 Strat copy, through the bridge-middle pickup combo. The amp is the Vox AD30VT on the Tweed 4x10 model, with just a bit of reverb as the only other effect.

The clip contains 5 repeats of two riffs. The first is a single note sequence up around the middle of the neck. The second is a simple E-D-A chord progression, twice through. In both sequences, the order of the 5 repeats is as follows:

  1. Clean
  2. Stock BMP voicing (scooped mids)
  3. Flat mids
  4. Boosted mids
  5. EQ lift - the signal bypasses the pedal's EQ stage completely; basically the pure, unaltered BMP fuzz circuit.

I tried to keep the volume fairly constant throughout each set of 5. Take a listen & see what you think.

In all cases, I used the stock 1N914 silicon diode clipping mode. I've also modified the pedal with a 3-way toggle switch to allow the use of LED and JFET clippers, but didn't use those here.

Here's the clip link: