I am excited about this http://www.itmightgetloud.com/index.html

I read about it in Rolling Stone at lunch.

Quote from Rolling Stone:

In the middle of the rock documentary It Might Get Loud, Jimmy Page picks up a Les Paul and tears into "Whole Lotta Love" while the Edge and Jack White watch, slack-jawed. "They look just like 13-year-old boys," says director Davis Guggenheim. "They were both like, 'Oh, my God, that's how he did it!' " The movie — which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival on September 5th and will get a theatrical release next year — chronicles the pan-generational trio's lives in music and the relationship that each of them has to the guitar. The high point of the film is a two-day union of the three on an L.A. soundstage, where they swap stories and jam. "It's almost like having three carpenters talk about a radial-arm saw," says White. "It's great to use this mechanical device to learn all about these other ideas that surround it." http://www.rollingstone.com/news/sto...es_guitar_gods

Three artists originating in three separate eras, and I like each of them. I bet it is going to be fun to watch. The link above has a bunch of stuff you can click on and check out.