Quote Originally Posted by marnold
Melrose simultaneously got a great opportunity and a raw deal in Tampa. You can't can a new coach after 16 games, especially not with all the personnel changes that they made in the off-season (some of which even made sense). Did they really think that this team was playoffs-bound? Add to that the rumors of ownership drawing up special teams plays and players griping to the owners to get the practice schedule changed, this franchise is becoming the gold standard for dysfunction. Best of luck to "Snake eyes" Toccet. He's going to need it.

Ok I've been playing hockey since I was 4 or 5 and I'm 41 now and coach my sons AAA team. I just got home from Sarnia after spending my weekend teaching an advanced coaching lesson to other AAA,AA,A coaches....so I guess I'm qualified after 20years of coaching to comment....not that I'm always right but the effort is always there...that's what I tell any kid I coach lol...including a few already and past NHL players I've had the pleasure to teach over the years.

On the coaching end of things I never watch a Pro hockey game...NHL,OHL,AHL,..etc. and comment on the coach. And this is the reason:
1. Its an involved game that without knowing what goes on at a practice leaves me with questions I'll never answer by watching a game on TV.
2. If you have ever played the game you should already know your own answers...its only your opinion anyways.
3. If you have ever coached you should already know what I'm talking about I either am playing hockey or coaching it Im always at the rink on a Saturday night...sorry no ESPN in sight...unless the rink has a bar..(rare)..LOL

On the player side of things I will comment because I am a coach that knows what positives they have...I don't discuss negatives cause all players have them. and thats the point...but yes Robert, Victor Hedman is a player to watch...his progression has been very good up to his point...stick handling down low is his stongest asset. There have been alot of good players that always come through the system and for either one reason or another they excell or they don't...and not always their missguided effort.

I grew up as a kid idolizing the LEAFS..ya go leafs go...blah,blah...and yes it has been a little trying at times to understand how fans pay money to buy a seat at the ACC but its not the public's fault. They have been hit by propaganda from MLSE for years, and only after great pressure from within the hockey community have they had to change the guards. Take a look at them this season they have no high price talent and they challenge and beat teams they shouldn't be able to...why? Coaching(Ron Wilson) and player development. Thats why Detroit is the powerhouse they are it comes from developing the young talent and that gives you depth. On the subject of icing if you ask all professional hockey players or even Bantam or Midget players they want to see No Touch Icing....I doo. Too many good hockey players have been injured chasing an icing call...you want to fight a 225 pound player down the ice at lightspeed just to get a faceoff, if you had to ever do it you'd know your answer. Hockey should not be judged from watching the game on television...the camera only shows the current play on the ice and not the entire perspective of the game...only fans that attend get that and barely. You really can only understand the game if you play it or coach it from ice level..but you can always enjoy the game from t.v. or the stands. On the subject of Tampa keep this in mind they did manage to get a cup in less than 40years whatever your oppinion is on that organization they still got the job done ask a Leafs fan if they would trade places with you guys...remember that. I had to inject in this conversation because of course it is hockey and I never avoid a hockey thread. Please understand I'm never gonna tell you your wrong on an issue cause its an oppinion we are talking about in the first place....aren't we?....gotta go I have practice at midnight...LOL....and ya that me in the pics from the adult league I play in...and thats contact hockey with ex pro's we got 4 ex AHL and 2 Ex NHL on our team...trust me it ain't easy to play at this level