Hey Ron, congrats! I love it when kids are involved in creative arts and putting it out there, and love it when parents support them.

Brian, I agree with being frustrated with parents that don't take responsibility for guiding their own kids and want to leave it to the Scout leaders. We have some parents like that in our own little Cub Pack. I will say that I recall running amok myself just a bit at Boy Scout camp (wasn't allowed at Cub events). But throwing dirt and sand was never a part of it. I do remember throwing a hatchet at a tree Davey Crocket style when the leaders weren't looking. As I recall, we were told by an older scout to stop in no uncertain terms or I just decided on my own it wasn't a good idea and said so. (I normally didn't start the mischief, but I sometimes joined in or watched before coming to my senses). Some of my buddies were also pretty good at making a "smoke signal" fire with wet fir boughs piled on a big fire (cough, cough). I was not so into that.

Seriously though, as soon as we got into more backcountry backpacking and more serious camping, there was an emphasis on survival skills, first aid, responsibility for one's own safety etc. and that cut down on the horseplay. The horseplay tended to happen at the Scout camp that we just drove to and set up stinky canvas tents for a week.

Scouting is great, and some amount of self discovery needs to be allowed, but I hope the leaders and parents can learn to guide the ones that need it.