Looks like Kat and Steve both had great weekends last week.

For those in the States, we have a 3-day weekend coming up. Anyone have any plans for the traditional "start of summer?"

Tonight I'll be here:

Doing this:

My wife is going to dinner w/her gal pals Friday night, so after work I'll be home chillaxin' with Los Krashpaditos.

Saturday, we'll be here:

Sunday morning as usual, guitar with the band, daughter on bass:

Except I won't be wearing a suit. That was an inside joke amongst the band, we decided to wear suits for the pics on our church's webpage, even though we never actually wear suits to play.

Sunday afternoon through Monday evening are pretty open. My parents are visiting in a week, plus it's the end of the month, so there'll probably be a lot of house cleanup, and I'm sure I'll take work home from the office to finish up and get in on my May "billables."