Quote Originally Posted by Childbride View Post
we are both officially naui certified. today, texas got [FINALLY!!!] drenched in rain; did our last two checkouts looking up at the surface with spreading raindrop ripples. it was really awesome. went in and out of a scuttled boat, checked out an old cooling station... the water was chilly at 75, but we are card carrying scuba divers!
Congrats, CB (and Shiner)! Does Shiner's diving gear include a small barrel of Shiner bock around his neck like a St. Bernard? I was happy to see you guys get rain. Would figure that it wouldn't rain there all year except when the Tigers are in town

My folks moved to the greater Milwaukee area and I helped them move in on Friday. My mom called at 2:30 that morning to tell me that my grandfather passed away at 94. He was my pastor and one of the main reasons I'm in the ministry. His last few years were a little rough from a health perspective. Thankfully I got to have one last good conversation with him when I was home last summer. Going to sprint home for the funeral at the end of the week and sprint back for Sunday.