OK, first a quick report for this weekend, then I'll recap the Wekiwa Springs trip, w/pics! (Thanks to Warren for the cardreader suggestion.)

This weekend we did the usual car-park thing for Saturday's UF-UK football game. Got home around 1:30 or so and by then the Wildcats were already toast. Hope the Gators have something left in the tank for Jahjaw next weekend at the Cocktail Party! Sunday we went to church and Jack acolyted again (see pic on first page). It was Reformation Sunday, which is a big deal in Lutheran churches, 95 Theses and all that. Unfortunately that meant that the "blended" service was even less blended than usual--ONE contemporary song, and, as usual no electric guitar or bass.

In the afternoon I fixed the kids bikes and aired up the tires and watched a little NFL.

Last night the HotHeads had practice, as a 3-piece. Looks like I'll probably be playing bass the next show unless we can get our former bassistto sit in. We're probably going to do at least one, maybe 2, Warren Zevon covers. For sure "Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me" at a minimum. That song is fun to sing, Hoyt tends to sing it in his lower register and me in my higher (such as it is) so it sounds pretty cool together.

Wekiwa Recap in next post!