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Thread: The weekend Thread

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Vancouver, B.C.
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    That sounds delicious, dee. Now I'm hungry!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
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    Mmm, food!

    Ronnie Beth-- honk as you drive past GNV on I-75!


    Family movie night, watched "Christmas Vacation." My daughter's girlfriend had never seen it. How is that even possible?


    Praise team practice @ 10, spent several hours cleaning out the Rockmobile. Actually played a little guitar on breaks from the chores, out in the garage with a Laney solid state combo I bought for Krashpadito to learn on. The thing sounds surprisingly decent.

    Had a pretty good day Sunday, the songs in church went well. Especially the first, more rock song. Got some bizarre cryptic backhanded "compliment" from some old bat while packing out. Sigh, why not just go to the traditional service?

    Fun playing acoustic bass and singing later with the Youth Group, caroling to the folks who usually can't get to church, some in their private homes and some in adult care type places. Finished off with a side band (Pedagogy) practice at the office, which went pretty well, but after 2 hours with a guitar on my shoulder, I was a hurtin' gator (my left shoulder is messed up from nerve damage from the neck operation, of all things).

    Today, back to the grind. And a ray gun neck zap this afternoon. I'm bringing my techs Christmas cookies today. I reckon it's advisable to stay on the good side of people operating 2-ton machines full of radiation that's pointed at your neck.

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