Drove up to my SiL's house this weekend for whitewater rafting on Saturday and we almost bit the big one. It was a professionally guided rafting trip but the boat ended up flipping in a class 5 rapid and tossed us all the water. I was on the high side of the boat and had the most airtime before crashing down and getting sucked under. I got thrown on the opposite side of the river as my wife, her sister and her sister's husband and had a hell of a time not drowning all by myself out there. Another raft was able to get everyone else in the boat but I was stuck unfortunately having to pass through the rapids on my own before anyone picked me up. I can't describe the elation at seeing everyone okay, even if my BiL was in almost a catatonic shock. We were all beaten up pretty well but no serious injuries. Just minor cuts and bruises. The rafting company gave us all beers afterwards and we decided to hit a bar after that for more intense stress relief.

And then i watched Yankees beat Boston. Was good.