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Thread: Cheesy joke thread. come on everyone contribute!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Idaho (I-duh-ho)
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    A crusty old biker out on a long summer ride in the country pulls up to a
    tavern in the middle of nowhere, parks his bike and walks inside.

    As he passes through the swinging doors, he sees a sign hanging over the

    COLD BEER: $2.00

    HAMBURGER: $2.25



    HAND JOB: $50.00

    Checking his wallet to be sure he has the necessary payment, the ole' biker walks up to the bar and beckons to the exceptionally attractive female bartender who is serving drinks to a couple of sun-wrinkled farmers.

    She glides down behind the bar to the ole biker.

    "Yes?" she inquires with a wide, knowing smile, "may I help you?"

    The ole biker leans over the bar, "I was wondering young lady," he whispers, are you the one who gives the hand-jobs?"

    She looks into his eyes with that wide smile and purrs "Why yes, yes, I sure am".

    The ole' biker leans closer and into her left ear whispers softly, "Well, wash your hands real good, cause I want a cheeseburger".

    "No Tele For you." - The Tele Nazi

    Ha! Tele-ish now inbound.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    NW Missouri,
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    Default Potatoes (for our Idaho Fret friends)

    (this one just begs for cheese.........)

    Well, A Girl Potato and A Boy Potato had eyes for each other, and finally they got married, and had a little sweet potato, which they called 'Yam.'

    Of course, they wanted the best for Yam.

    When it was time, they told her about the facts of life.

    They warned her about going out and getting half-baked, so she wouldn't get accidentally mashed, and get a bad name for herself like 'Hot Potato,' and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots.

    Yam said not to worry, no Spud would get her into the sack and make a rotten potato out of her!

    But on the other hand she wouldn't stay home and become a Couch Potato either.

    She would get plenty of exercise so as not to be skinny like her Shoestring cousins.

    When she went off to Europe, Mr. and Mrs. Potato told Yam to watch out for the hard-boiled guys from Ireland . And the greasy guys from France called the French Fries. And when she went out west in the USA , they told her to watch out for the Indians so she wouldn't get scalloped.

    Yam said she would stay on the straight and narrow and wouldn't associate with those high class Yukon Golds, or the ones from the other side of the tracks who advertise their trade on all the trucks that say, 'Frito Lay.'

    Mr. and Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P.U. (that's
    Potato University) so when she graduated she'd really be in the chips.

    But in spite of all they did for her, one-day Yam came home and announced she was going to marry Tom Brokaw.

    Tom Brokaw!!!

    Mr. and Mrs. Potato were very upset.

    They told Yam she couldn't possibly marry Tom Brokaw because he's just... well he's just a...

    Wilburn Versatare, '52 FrankenTele(Fender licensed parts), Fender USA Roadhouse Strat, Fender USA Standard B-bender Telecaster, Agile AL 3000 w/ WCR pickups, Ibanez MIJ V300 Acoustic, Squier Precision Bass,
    Ceriatone Overtone Special, Musicman 212 Sixty-Five, Fender Blues Jr., Peavey Classic 30, Fender Super Reverb, Traynor YCV-40 WR Anniversary w/ matching 1x12 ext. cab, Epiphone SoCal 50w head w/ matching 4x12 cab (Lady Luck speakers), Avatar 2x12 semi-open back cab w/ Celestion speakers
    Digitech Bad Monkey, Digitech Jamman, DVM's ZYS, Goodrich volume pedal

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
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    After landing:

    "Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride."

    "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us here at US Airways."

    (Transmission as a DC-10 rolls out long after a fast landing...)
    San Jose Tower: American 751 heavy, turn right at the end if able. If not able, take the Guadalupe exit off of Highway 101 back to the airport.

    Student pilot:

    Cessna 152: "Flight Level Three Thousand, Seven Hundred"
    Controller: "Roger, contact Houston Space Center now on 133.75"

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