Quote Originally Posted by Bluenote
I was wondering how you like this guitar now that you've had a chance to get to know it a bit more. I've already paid for one from an eBay seller named Tim (Mauery, I think). I've talked with him on the phone and I think he might be the same guy that you mention in the thread. I believe he lives in Salisbury, MD. I can't really change my mind about the purchase but I was wondering if the guitar has performed to your expectations and how you like the sound and quality of the guitar now that you've had it a while.
Hi Bluenote! Welcome! Stop on over and post an intro in "The Fret Players" section. You will get a bunch of warm welcomes and get to know a few folks I am sure. I was out of town this weekend and am just getting around to replying to you.

As Spudman noted, he and I both bought our Hags from Tim. I was quite pleased and the review above tells it. Well, a year later and I feel the same way. Expectations, sound and quality fully met, and exceeded frankly. I did not think I was going to get this nice a guitar when I ordered it. The guitar sounds great, plays great, and was exactly the right second electric for me to buy. I suspect and bet you will be pleased. It will be fun for you to play around with blending the bridge and neck pups, playing full neck and full bridge, and messing around with the tone knobs. Lots and lots of tones in the clean section. And then when you feel like getting dirty and rocking it up, it will take you there fast. Sustain for weeks! Lots of fun for sure, and it has not diminished in the first year's ownership.

It is a good season for this guitar, as I am doing jazzy/bluesy versions of Christmas tunes, going for smoky jazz tones with a bit of sparkle. And mine is a good color for the season too. Have fun! EDIT: BTW, what color did you get?

Oh, and re: the amph, I would say save just a little more and get a Vox DA-5 at least, or just a little more yet and get a Peavey Vypyr 30. Lots to play with there, and a good sound for the money. More versatile than the really little frontman amphs I think.