[QUOTE=So what I did is to cut some traces and add some jumpers to make it an all tube amp. After the input resistors (1.5Kohm and 1 Meg) I cut that trace going to the input of the op amp and sent it straight to the first tube grid and cut away any other parts that were there that might have influence. I decided that the tone control was not a bad thing, just different- and I left it as is. Since I now had a 250Kohm volume pot out of the circuit, I put that between the tone circuits and the grid to the second triode in place of the attenuation scheme that was there and to maintain grid to ground loading and control. I cut the traces around the volume pot and ran jumpers to the appropriate places (the pot connects to the output of the tone circuit, the two lower resistors were cut out, and the other end of the pot was run to ground. The wiper fed the second triode's grid.

Deafelectromark (alias manoteal)[/QUOTE]

So, I love the ideas presented here, and I know it's been a while since you posted this, but is there any chance you have a better schematic with illustrations or notes added, and/or gut shots of the mods as described? I may try the easy mods you suggest first and replace the speaker, but this sounds like it might be easier than getting or making a tweed princeton clone out of the little bugger. Not that there's anything *wrong* with that, just typing it makes me think 't was a good plan, don't give up on it now...

Anyway, any hints or tips you'd care to share would be greatly appreciated.


Edit: Noob mistake. Epic fail?! I only just noticed that there's like 24 pages to this thread going right up to the present day and I may need extensive review of the other 23 pages before I start cutting traces. But I might anyway. We'll see...