Quote Originally Posted by marnold
After I reach the goal I will do the following:

3) I will reward myself in some small way for the accomplishment. I'm thinking something along the lines of getting a good fuzz pedal or maybe a ZYS.
Dude, Im thinking...new guitar day!:
Very disciplined of you...you can just tell how determined you are.

Aside from your discipline, Ive made it my goal to learn Claptons version of Key To The Highway, Im taking similar steps as you on learning it.
Ive been at it for awhile, learning other versions of the song, but I just recently got Claptons transcription and have been breaking it down into palatable chunks, both on my looper and in study. If I get stuck I just move onto another part and then get back to it.

Im impressed with you determination, but almost even more impressed that you put it all in writing for the world to see...you are a sick sick man.: