Well, I just got off the phone with Rondo, and a new SX SJB-62MG/FL/LPB is on its way.

I've wanted a "toofless" bass for some time now, but I didn't want to shed a lot of money for one. I had looked at the SX line at Rondo's, but at the time, they didn't have a color I liked. I sent an email off to Kurt saying that if they ever came out with one in either natural ash or Lake Placid Blue, that I would buy one. He replied, telling me to keep checking back at their web site.

Now comes the wait for the Big Brown Truck...

Oh yeah, I had it shipped to my friend's shop, as he wanted to see what the quality was like, right out of the box. We will then look to see if there is anything we want to change right away. From what you guys have mentioned, that may not be much. I would like a pearlized pickguard, and we will most likely copper shield it completely. My plan is to go with CTS pots on it too.

Now to find some custom, hot sh*t wiring scheme for it!