As I told JustStrum (Mark) in post #2 of this's my thoughts on scales..........

Learn them and practice them.......they're not a waste of time.
I think Kat gave the best analogy so far............
Scales to me are like trying to learn a new language. You have to know how to structure a sentence before you can break the rules and create poetry
While it may be quite true that some players never formally studied scales per se, and never learned each individual scale (maj, min, pentatonic, dorian, mix, etc, etc,) pattern........ when they solo they are using scales, usually combinations of scales. Scales also relate directly to the more chord knowledge you have, combined with the more scale knowledge you have, the easier it will be for you to navigate the fretboard, and thus the ability to play what it pleasing to your ears on said fretboard.
True, this can also be done by putting on your favorite music and playing (hunt and peck) 'till you find the notes you want, but if you at least have some rudimentary knowledge of the instrument you will generally get there faster. Amazing, intuitive prodigies.....maybe not-so-much.........