The one I had was like two different pedals. It gave a very natural and uncoloured overdrive (no mid-hump) which cleaned up wonderfully from the guitar up to about 1 o'clock on the gain. Into a Fender Vibrolux it was like turning up the amp from 4 to 7. Beyond that it turned into a messy, fizzy distortion, Think thin sounding Big Muff, not great. I couldn't use the tone control beyond 10 o'clock with a tele'. In defence of the pedal, I'd say the lower gain range is worth owning one for. I'd look elsewhere for higher gains. Lots of folks swear by them as a low to medium gain pedal and the $20 Monte Allums mod kit is very highly rated.

Oh, and it stacked really well with a Bad Monkey. Set BD-2 low for edgy rhythm tones and kick in the Monkey for mid boosted solos. Using it like this was not dissimilar to what I got from a Fulldrive 2 in FM mode using the boost for solos. This should work with any TS type pedal, Robert Keeley recommends using it this way.