I had found the exact same thing now that I think about it. When I first got the amp, I was always setting the volume by turning the attenuator down. I always thought it was OK like this, but then I played it loud jamming with friends and it sounded 10x better. Much more high end. I actually couldn't even use any of my presets because they were too bright. When I got home, I tried keeping the attenuator up and turning down the master, and it worked GREAT. Since then, I usually leave the attenuator at half, and adjust my volume with the master (keepin it below half most of the time). This has worked great for me. I wonder if the lower end valvetronix amps' attentuator is an inferior make to the higher end models? Does that make sense?
Leonidas' Gear List:
Electric Guitars - Agile AL-2800 (S.D. '59 B, Pearly Gates N), Squier Telecaster Custom (GFS FAT PAFs + Mods)
Acoustic Guitars - Crafter ML-Rose, Epiphone PR-350CE
Amps - VOX AD50VT, Epiphone Valve Jr. (Modded), Fender Blues Jr
Pedals - Crybaby Classic w/ Fasel Inductor, Boss DS-1, Digitech Bad Monkey, Danelectro Cool Cat Chorus, Danelectro Fish & Chips EQ, Ibanez AW7