I guess it's just inevitable today that if a band that started in the 60's is still touring, some, if not all original members will have been replaced.

I still have my original Blue Matter LP at home that's been played to death over the years. Savoy Brown was one of my favorites in the day, and it was a natural that Foghat would be too. When Lonesome Dave Peverett died, Foghat died with him...at least to me.

The current incarnation of Foghat still sounds good, much in the way that The Fabulous Thunderbirds still sound good - with a new cast that seems to rotate through over time. Maybe it's me, but I just like it better when a band faces reality and says, "it was great, but it's over", and forms a new band with a new name. I guess I'm just a purist in that way. After all, The Beatles were only the Beatles with all four original members, and they knew it to be true.