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thanks for your replies/suggestions. I'm ditching the pickup idea, but have found some tuning machines that will work.
I am interested in getting a non-adjustable saddle replacement...
That opening is 78mm long by 6mm wide.
If I were to get a blank saddle, what kind would be easiest to sand down, but yet still provide great tone? Thanks in advance!
Bone is the way to go. It isn't that easy to sand, especially as the dust gets very pasty when it mixes with your sweat. It feels rather unpleasant and cakes up. But the hardness helps in a way, because shaping a saddle is somewhat delicate work, and if the material is easy to sand (i.e. soft), it is easy to go too far when shaping the compensation contour for example. I like use a 0.5 lead pencil to make my marks, and then scribe the bone with a sharp exacto.
Bone also sounds best for my money.
Guit Boxes: 87 MIJ Strat, Ibanez MIJ RG540, Korean Fender Dreadnaught, The Loar LH-500 (1934 L-5 Reproduction)
Amp: Marshall TSL100 amp head with JCM900 1960 Lead 4 X 12 angled cab
Effects: Crybaby, TS10 Tube Screamer, Badder Bad Monkey, Boss Metal Zone