Quote Originally Posted by Katastrophe
I don't know that I'm completely there yet, but there are some areas I'm becoming more cynical about. Here are a few.

I don't care what wood the guitar body is made of. If it sounds good and is reasonably durable, I'm cool with it. I prefer the look and feel of a maple fretboard. But, I'm also happy with my rosewood FB guitars.

Different neck joints do not imply "better" or "worse" in terms of quality. There are top quality bolties out there, and Gibbies that just don't cut it in the quality department.

"lower cost" does not always equal "lower quality."

"Solid State" does not automatically equal "Crappy Amph."

Do you have any opinions about gear that might go against conventional wisdom? I'm interested in reading them!

I totally agree. I only have one guitar that cost over $500, and have both tube and ss amps. The main focus for me is: do I have FUN playing it? If I do, then I'm happy!