Don't tell me how it ends, haven't seen it yet.
I said to my wife also during the very first episodes if not the very first that they must've died and are in some sort of limbo...but lately I've been more inclined to think the whole island is more or less an alien vessel of sorts, able to warp time, but I don't see how the fates of the people on it should matter - except maybe the Locke 'thing' needs certain events to take place to fix a space-time continuum problem that is preventing the alien(s) to leave, or something like that. Sort of Nautilus come alien ship stranded with time travel quirks.
Either that or the purgatory thing, but I doubt it'll end in any way I'll find acceptably sensible. It's just gotten too complex. I think I still have 2 or 3 episodes to watch. The last one I watched, the sub sank.
"When life's a biatch, be a horny dog"
Amps: Marshall JVM 410H w/ Plexi Cap mod, Choke Mod & Negative Feedback Removal mod, 4x12", Behringer GMX110, Amplitube 3/StealthPedal
Half a dozen custom built/bastardized guitars all with EMG's, mostly 85's, Ibanez Artwood acoustic & Yamaha SGR bass, Epiphone Prophecy SG, Vox Wah, Pitchblack tuner plus assorted pedals, rack gear etc. for home studio use.