Quote Originally Posted by sunvalleylaw
Glad you guys got together anyhow. So we have to hear the story . . . How did you get physically kicked out of your jam space?
Well Steve...it's a strange thing. I really don't understand what happened. Friday night we're out drinking beer and having a good time, and Saturday morning we're told that we need to come and get our stuff, it's all out in my "friend"'s backyard. No explanation, even though I asked for one. I still have no idea what happened to him after we parted company on Friday night, but apparently he blames me for whatever it was. Hmmmm...could it have something to do with the tiger in his bathroom? Unclear.

Seriously, it was a stressful situation, and there was a real feeling of potential violence on the part of this former friend. It kills me to not know what it is that set him off, but I think I just have to let it go at this point. He's not offering any explanation, and I'm done with him. There was absolutely nothing that happened that would warrant that kind of reaction from a reasonable person. BC Don will back me up on this, but this guy was having a good time right up until we parted company for the night. I'm baffled and disappointed, but I don't think any kind of apology would wash away the feeling of being threatened with a handgun. Oh, yeah...forgot to add that. It was from behind a closed door, and it was never pointed at me, but it was cocked while in my view. Yikes, to say the least.

Next time we'll find a rental hall or something.