Wow, deea,
I haven't gigged regularly for close to 20 years, but the worst night was never like what you describe. I'd quit if it was. I'd hate even going if it was like that. I wouldn't want to play at all if it was that terrible.
I still do an occasional thing with some friends or family, and I still love it.
Even way back when, on the occasional nights a heckler was giving us a hard time, or when I played one weekend with influenza, as bad as that was, what you describe sounds horrible. I can't imagine sitting, pissed off, thinking about not smoking or drinking when waiting to start playing. We were always too pumped just waiting to get out there and wail. Maybe it's different where you live.
Wilburn Versatare, '52 FrankenTele(Fender licensed parts), Fender USA Roadhouse Strat, Fender USA Standard B-bender Telecaster, Agile AL 3000 w/ WCR pickups, Ibanez MIJ V300 Acoustic, Squier Precision Bass,
Ceriatone Overtone Special, Musicman 212 Sixty-Five, Fender Blues Jr., Peavey Classic 30, Fender Super Reverb, Traynor YCV-40 WR Anniversary w/ matching 1x12 ext. cab, Epiphone SoCal 50w head w/ matching 4x12 cab (Lady Luck speakers), Avatar 2x12 semi-open back cab w/ Celestion speakers
Digitech Bad Monkey, Digitech Jamman, DVM's ZYS, Goodrich volume pedal