Electric guitars:
Fender 9.5
G&L 9 & 10
Can you tell me which electric-acoustic guitars have 9", 9.5" or 10" fingerboard radius?
The brands and the models please?
I need to buy a guitar that has one of mentioned radius features, but not everywhere is the info written when you
search online. Thanks
Electric guitars:
Fender 9.5
G&L 9 & 10
Bootsy Collins:
I pledge allegiance to the funk, the whole funk, and nothing but the funk, so help me James, Sly and George, Amen!!
Guitars: 2010 American Special HSS Strat, 2010 CIC Squire CV ThinLine Tele, & 2006 MIM FSR Strat.
Basses: 1979 Peavey T-40, 2007 Ibanez SR 500, 2013 Ibanez SR375F, 2013 CIJ Fender Geddy Lee Jazz Bass, 2014 Sadowsky Will Lee VI, & 2014 Sadowsky Will Lee Metro V
Amps: Mesa Boogie BASS STRATEGY:Eight:88, Aguliar DB 4X12, Augilar DB 751, Genz Benz CTR500-210T/Focus 1X15 CAB, Fender Hot Rod Deville 410, VHT Deliverance 60/VHT 2X12 fat Bottom Cab, & VOX DA20
Effects: Boss ME-25, MXR Custom Baddass 78, MXR Custom Baddass modified O.D., Vox Joe Satriani Satchurator, MXR Phase 90, MXR Bass Chorus Deluxe/Octave Deluxe/Bass Compressor/Envelope Filter/, Way Huge Pork Loin
Please give an example of what you call an electric-acoustic, just to be perfectly clear.
acoustic-electric... the terminology may be different but I'm thinking of an acoustic guitar with pickups... Sorry for the mix up with the terminology and thanks for helping.
Most acoustic guitars have quite flat fingerboards. Taylor use 15", Martin 16", Gibsons are much rounder at 12". Those are the only manufacturers I could quote with any confidence.
Electric: Fat strat > Korg PB > TS7 > DS1 > DD-20 > Cube 60 (Fender model)
Acoustic: Guitar > microphone > audience
From my knowledge, albeit limited, I think it's going to be difficult to find that type of mass-production guitar with a radius smaller than 12".
I suggest you check out CARVIN guitars and look at the Cobalt series, I think you can find what you are looking for in their list of neck sizes.
All of the Godin family (Art & Lutherie, Godin, Seagull, Simon & Patrick, Norman, LaPatrie) acoustics have 16" radius fretboards.
Guitar: Gibson SG Standard Natural Burst, Squier CV 50's Tele, Hell Guitars No. 2, Squier CV 50's Strat, Reverend Club King 290, Taylor 522e 12-Fret mahogany,
Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar Bass Short Scale
Amp: Fender Super Champ X2 Head, Egnater Tweaker 15, Fender Mustang I, Acoustic B20 1x12 bass amp
Pedal: Budda Budwah wah, Wampler Ego Compressor, Electro-Harmonix Soul Food, Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive, Wampler Velvet Fuzz, Seven Sisters Eve Tremolo, TC Electronics Gravy Tri Chorus & Vibrato, Catalinbread Echorec, TC Electronic Alter Ego 2 Delay, Hardwire Supernatural Ambient Verb, MXR Carbon Copy, Catalinbread RAH, Big Muff Pi with Tone Wicker, BYOC Mouse 2.0 Distortion, BYOC Boost/OD-2
Thank you all for the infos. I'm aware of the 12" reality. But still here is one (if I understand the specs right) with 10" radius:
And once I'played an Itlian Eko acoustic-electric guitar which had quite a curve, but at that time I didn't pay attention which model it was.
Now I looked around at: http://ekousaguitars.com/?page_id=17, but the info isn't there when you look at a particular item.
Well, thanks again for all your help. I guess I'll just have to mail everyone who sells acoustic-electric guitars to see what's out there......lol
If anyone gets new info please post it.
O and Street music I'm researching Carvin, thanks for the info.