I've got a slight headache so forgive me if I repeat someone's post but I have NEVER picked up a Taylor that didn't play absolutely fantastic. I literally cannot put one down once I start playing it. I know its like anything else, it's based on the individual but I have also played many Tak's, Guilds, Yamaha, etc and they have all been hit or miss. And if you want to talk overpriced and overhyped.... Please don't shoot me... But I can't stand Martins. Compared to a Taylor the necks on a Martin feel lifeless. The Taylor acoustics were made for fingerstyle picking and sound best in that style. If you don't like the Taylors you could always try a Larivee. I really don't mean to down Martins because enough people are devoted to them to make me think there has to be something to them. And maybe its that same quirk of mine that draws me to the Taylors.

Taylor guitars do tend towards being bland but undeniably high build quality.
The best sound I've ever heard electrically out of a Taylor was when I plugged it into a Marshall acoustic amp. I do believe the two were made for each other. IMHO