OK time for more pics and less of my talking!!

Here's the power section. Note the Marstran PT rotated 90 degrees to match the chassis cutout, the beefed up cloth covered heater wires and to keep it retro, I decided to lace up my wiring with waxy string instead of cable ties or heat shrink. Currently the amp is partially star grounded. You can see the mains grounded to one PT bolt and everything else grounded to the other PT bolt.

The lead dress is in draft stage, but as you can see, I tried to keep heaters away from power and signal, and cross them at 90 degrees where possible. Solid core cloth covered wire is amazing for this. With the exception of the modern looking OT wires, everything else just stays in place even without the string!

The 45 Power 2 by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

Another shot of the power section

The 45 Power by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

In this one you can see just how deep I had to recess the power tubes. You might also note the yellow insulation inside the control panel. With massive chassis holes, I had to mount the pots to the actual control panel I fabricated. This meant that the solder lugs on the pots came too close to the chassis for my liking, so I sliced up a large section of heat shrink and spray glued it to the chassis. Again with the McGyverin'

The45 Insides by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

Here's a shot showing off my first attempt at making the wiring look nice. It's not great, but I think it's passable.

The45 Layout by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

Here's the front panel. Waterslide decals over gold anodized aluminium with matt paint over that. Not totally happy with it and might do it again.

The 45 Front Panel by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

and here's a top down showing how it all went together

The 45 Topdown by Ch0jiN, on Flickr

So when I get home, I'll add part IV which will cover power on, initial thoughts and what I need to do from here. Stay tuned!!