yeah.....I played it at practice tonight with the delta blues and its official; I really dont need another guitar. Im tearing it apart next week, and its gonna be the sickest strat evar! I was really diggin the bridge/middle pos. during practice. We had a guest guitarist at practice and he brought his pissed him off sooo bad when he heard that tone. But my next upgrade - the other main reason for this setup - is putting in the DC resistance cut that came as an option with theese pups. It cuts the DC Res. from 14.2 (the QP) to 8.5; almost like a coil tap so you can a vintage tone out of em....combine that with the coil tap on the JB and I will have more tonal options...

The main reason for wanting this setup is so I can run it most the time at the vintage or vice versa, and use the cut/full as a boost or clean sweep. And the ability to mix/match vintage/uber single coil tone/Humbucker tone will have me in heaven! As soon as I can I will get some video and sound up.

The other fav tone of mine with this guitar was the JB by itself....its got that warm rolled off bucker tone now...and then you can roll it back more. I did that and put some trem on it....really unique tone.