Good suggestions from 'keel on smaller body shapes/size. But with smaller hands, you may want to focus on even narrow nut-widths than 1 11/16. Seagulls, I believe are around that. While that's better for fingerstyling, for chording/strumming like Jack Johnson, 1 5/8 ---just a 1/16" narrower -- may make a difference. Not so much at the nut and lower positions, but as you go up the neck. To that end, try to see the specs on width at the 12th fret...often available brwosing online, but perhaps by email to the mfr's cust. service dept.

Then there's another route...a 3/4 scale. Besides the narrower neck/fingerboard, the frets will be closer together. Since your boy likes the Beatles, too, let's not forget that John Lennon's early-period Beatles favored Rick 325 -- short scale, or as he called it 'short-armed'. He dug it because it made grabbing chords otherwise hard to handle on full-scale guitars much easier to finger and reach extensions.

They're out there, but to name just one I'm familiar with from my local dealer, Washburn's Oscar Schmidt line is low-priced, and they make a very decent little guy...the list price is on this page I've linked to about it, so figure at least 30% lower than that:
Oscar Schmidt OG-1