It looks like a decent little portable amp. I have a Vox DA5 that uses "C" cells or the included ac power supply. It is a very cool little amp, up to five watts and also 2.5 and 1 or some other miniscule amount of wattage. At the minimum wattage setting it gets around thirty hours of run time and at that miniscule wattage setting it is still "loud" in "campground at night" terms. This little "Chromie" turned me on to the idea of getting a bigger Chromie. I checked out the VT15 Chromie and wound up buying a NOS VT30 that I really like and play daily in my den. It has an attenuator mounted on the back, leaving room on the top control area for a master volume, and the attenuator really works very well to get a satisfyingly strong overdriven sound at very low volume. The VT30 can be a loud amp when cranked up; suitable for jamming with a reasonable drummer and other players.

The VT15 is a lot smaller and, although it doesn't run on the battery option, it could make a great travel or camping trip amp for places that have available electricity. I almost always go camping at places that have electricity these days, so a VT15 would serve me well as a camping trip/travel type amp. I might even get a NOS one, at a great price, for use on camping trips in specific - and things like travel and so on. The DA5 is cool to take to the park though, and this Yamaha would also be very cool for use in places without electricity.

I would probably buy the VT15 instead of the Yamaha, just because I don't need a battery powered amp. The VT15 has more amp models and tonal controls and effects. It also has an eight inch speaker and more traditional wood-like construction. The tube in the power section is also quite nice and, I think, warms up the sound of all the other digital stuff.

The Yamaha looks cool and it is "just me" and my personal thinking that has me leaning toward the Vox VT15 Chromie as a camping/travel amp. I may need to replace my DA5, but it has stood up to some fairly intense travel and camping use.

Good luck with the Yamaha. It has some great options. It will be interesting to hear how you like it.