Quote Originally Posted by deeaa View Post
Somehow I seem to get tighter and tighter with the money every passing year, and less and less inclined to pay for guitars etc. and rather spend more money in home improvements really. I guess I'm just getting old.
You and me both. I agree with most of what you just said. My wife and I were just talking about this stuff last night: how you might have things you like, but if you're honest with yourself, you really don't have a need for it. For instance, we got these pretty nice daypacks for our wedding almost 2 years ago that was a really thoughtful gift from her uncle. When we moved everything into storage recently, we considered getting rid of them until we googled how much they were worth: $120 a piece. So now they're in storage, still in the plastic, with two other very nice daypacks that we already have and use for all of our hiking and camping currently. So why keep them? I don't know. We shouldn't, but it's hard to get rid of them.

It's that stupid compulsion to justify keeping things that I would like to break myself of. For some, they don't mind it, and I have no issue with them having loads of stuff, but I find it to be this thing that exerts a little control over me. And I don't like that. I realize that I'm fortunate for having the option to have all of this stuff, but that doesn't change the fact that it's easy for me to get wrapped up in it. Guess I'll just keep chipping away at it and maybe find a balance eventually.