Quote Originally Posted by deeaa View Post
The challenge is playing accurately with the click...and double hits on kick without hitting same with hand...and starting fills sometimes with left hand...smooth 16th note beats. .well actually a lot of things :-)
I completely agree on the double hits on the kick drum. If I'm not playing straight 8th on the hi hat, it's embarrassing how incapable I am of doing two 8th on the kick drum. I'm trying to get that sorted out now, but I keep getting pulled away on guitar or bass. Soon though. Drums are surprisingly fun to play. It's just more of a practical thing instead of trying to be all fancy. I realize I could probably make drumming fancy, but I have no desire to do so. Sometimes I think playing on an instrument other than the one you started on is a good thing, in that it allows you to just play without overthinking or trying to prove something.