Haha. Eric, the juxtaposition of having friends from church band over for The Big Lebowski, which may've set a record for f-bombs in a single film, cracks me up. By weird coincidence, I watched it myself on netflix on Sunday doing laundry!

Here's a couple pics that just popped up on facebook, taken by my friend Bruce. This first one is really good of my guitars and rig. On the left is my little Fender Super Champ XD, which is lined out to my '60's Sunn 200S cab and DIY Celestion 2x12 cab (can be seen partially, to the right behind me), with the Sunn rig mic'd:

Chugging along, really "good" pic of the lymphedema on my neck-- that's what happens when you lose 20 lymph nodes on one side of your neck.