Thanks for posting this, Eric. It's a good thing to think about, no matter how painful (somewhat tongue in cheek, but not that much).

I'm seldom convinced I should buy something because of an ad; more likely, I've heard good stuff about it HERE! Or I've tried one, and it impressed me, like the aforementioned Cube. Sometimes it's a glowing review, or video. Sometimes it's just a whim. I'm not immune from the occasional impulse gear purchase, and I know I have more than I need, and I even think more than I deserve sometimes. But...that said, if I have the funds to dispose of, and nobody in the family has to go without shoes this winter because of my impulse, who's it hurting? In the end, someone will benefit from it, whether it's something I love and can't figure out how I ever did without, or I'll pass it on to someone who might get more benefit from it than I am. I might even sell it, but I'm more likely to give it away. Unless it's a guitar, that's different. I realize I'm somewhat of a gear junkie (not the word I was thinking, but I'm keeping it PC), but I have fun with it while it's around, and if I don't then someone else just might.

But yes, there is a definite issue out there of creating a percieved need, where there really isn't one. That's how the free market thrives even in tough economic times, no? Well, maybe not thrives, but at least it survives.

No matter what you put out on the market, there's always going to be somebody willing to buy it. Like PT Barnum know the rest.