Hey guys, thanks for the help. You guys are pretty darn friendly, as forum inhabitants go.

I had some MPSA18's that weren't too short I couldn't put small pieces of old heatshrink tubing and twist its feet around. So that's done.

I've got interesting stuff to report (at the very least for future googlers). On the OD-9, the TS808 mod resistors are already in place. As for the Keeley more/less mod, the "4k7" is a 2k2 resitor, and the "51k" resistor was a 20k. So I just let them be.

The Monte Allums tri-gain mod installs a switch that gives you stock 1n914a silicon diode clipping on one side, LEDs on the other, and a blend in the middle. I had some issues with the solder joints falling apart, so I took a little bit of that radioshack board with the copper pads per-hole, so I could mount the mod on a more stable surface. Now I've got asymmetrical germanium diode clipping, and symmetrical silicon diode clipping.

Except I screwed up my switch from resoldering it too many times, and for now, only the germanium diodes are working.

Thanks for your help!