Hey, I should mention that I'd be more than willing to build and sell ANY of the BYOC pre-painted pedals for the listed cost of the kit plus shipping. It's the painting & decaling that I can't offer anymore. Not only is that HUGELY time consuming, but before I retired, I had access to a commercial paint booth where I worked. Not going to get back into that mess now at home, thank you! Heck, I'll build the unpainted kits for the same price deal, as long as you'd take one that way. Now, this assumes a "now and again" pedal order rate--not looking to sell a ton of them, like I did back a few years ago. So I'd reserve the right to refuse any order any time, if it starts to get too hectic. Or maybe just start a waiting list....

You can check out all of the BYOC pedal kit offerings HERE. They currently offer over 70 different kits, about 30 of which are available with pre-finished enclosures (powder-coat paint, EXTREMELY durable). About 20 of these are the line of "micro pedals" that BYOC introduced last year--those of you with limited pedal board space may find these little guys very attractive! The enclosure dimensions are just 3 5/8" long x 1 1/2" wide x 1 1/4" tall, and they all run between $66 and $72 including the pre-finished enclosure.

Again, it's PayPal payment required, shipping to US and Canada only. PM me for a quote on any BYOC kit that interests you.