Being only into these guitars a few years I been trying to decide that stuff to.. so far been thru a few Solid States.. Cyber-Champ, Ampeg oldie, Roland Cubes, Crates and Vox Da-5.. but then I started messing with this 5 watt Epi Valve Jr. alot..I mean alot.. and combined with a Weber MicroMass I can play it thru my computer and disturb no one but myself.. so combined with that feature and the sound from the little tube amp thru speakers (it's alive I tell you .. it's alive!!) .. well , I will stick with it for now.. till I can get a bigger tube amp.. Think a Fender blues Junior will be next.. then maybe a twin or bassman head.. then a soundcity or Hiwatt... then.. oh heck... Im trapped to!!!