With more putzing I'm kinda surprised at how much I'm messing with a combination of the level, intensity, and decay knobs. Of course, this shouldn't surprise me. I've got years of experience with a delay pedal so I know what I like. Not so much with reverb. It also makes me glad I did not get a Hall of Fame mini. I don't think I'd be happy with only one available control.

I tried it with 80s metal-level gain and struggled. Too much and it just made it sound bad. Too little and, well, what's the point? A little dab adds some heft and perhaps that's all I'd use it for in that scenario. With more crunch/blues-level gain it's a blast. I did notice that getting the intensity too high gave a nasty "can of bees" kind of thing on the top end.

For whatever reason it seems to like my Squier 51 a lot. Probably just because single coils and reverb are a classic combination.