An update, since this has been resurrected of late.

I play mine every Sunday in church. We have electric drums, so it's just a stage monitor there, lined out to PA. Here's me next to it (on its amp stand) hiding during a choir number:

When we play outside church or otherwise w/live drums, I leave it as a stage monitor and line it out to a bigger tube amp in the backline, and mic the bigger amp if necessary. On the left is the Super Champ XD, which is lined out to my '60's Sunn 200S 60W tube head and DIY Celestion 2x12 cab (can be seen partially, to the right behind me), with the Sunn rig mic'd:

Different gig, same stage, different guitar, same rig:

SC XD nestled in with the vocal monitors (on nearest end):

Also, though I hadn't intended to, by quirk of fate I ended up doing all my guitar parts on the Crash Pad album mic'ing the SC XD. So any actual leads you hear are the SC XD (with the exception of a couple lines in the song "Stevo" played by our rhythm guitarist), as is one of the rhythm guitars (the other is my Sovtek head I usually use live, in to the 2x12 above, which I lent to our rhythm guitarist for the sessions). All leads, and all but one of my rhythm tracks (also on "Stevo") are the honeyburst Les Paul pic'd above:

PLAY LOUD! Setting is on the Vox model, channel 7. I pretty much live there.