Just spent three weeks in native France (finally got to visit Versailles, a whole subject in itself).

The Amsterdam flight stopover was interesting, as the aerial view is stunning: hundreds of gigantic greenhouses...!!
And water bodies, big and small. Interesting landscape.

Anybody here familiar with this area?

Other: Every time I visit my native area, France/Switzerland, I am reminded of a certain lack of "vibe", compared to the U.S. Very hard to explain. I was in an IKEA store in Geneva, (high standard of living, etc.) looking around, observing people, and could not connect at all. Later, my sister joined me and l told her about the lack of vibe. she gave me a weird look... not the first time, LOL.
Speaking of Geneva, l leaned through a cousin that two-thirds of the world oil trade is dealt there... astonishing!

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