Quote Originally Posted by deeaa
Don't get me started on measurements and units!

I teach languages for a living and boy those inches and such units are impossible to fathom...with metrics, all you need is just one unit, and the rest are that times ten per unit always, even accross types, like a thousand liters is a cube with one metre sides and weighs a thousand kilos if water...but those old units...there's like 6 different tons alone all weighing different...impossible to decipher without a book to check from
As one from a scientific background I've been trying to explain this to British and American people like, forever! It's so nice to finally live in a country that is actually metric rather than just officially.

I was made to recite "a litre of water is a pint and three quarter(s)" at school. Try it with a cockney accent. Hilarious!

PS: Americans, please ignore this mnemonic because your pints are the wrong size