It is undeniable that Hendrix changed everything. There are very few people or groups you can say that about. The Beatles and Sabbath come to mind. I really wish I knew what kind of music he would have put out as a, say, 50 year old. I have kind of a love/hate relationship with him. Some of his stuff is among my all-time favorites (e.g. All Along the Watchtower, Purple Haze, Spanish Castle Magic). But when he gets into the really freaky psychedelic stuff I'm reaching for the track changer. I've got a couple of Hendrix compilations and that pretty much meets my Hendrix needs.

In many cases, though, I prefer hearing SRV's interpretations of Hendrix than Hendrix himself. That is probably due to the fact that the first time I ever heard Little Wing, for example, it was SRV's version. I might very well feel different if it had been the other way around.