Yeah Tig, I have to say thanks to that website and several others like it that I have links to on my website "Links" page. They do that for free. They truly seem to be concerned with helping businesses that make a product here in the U.S.A. I do get a fair number of emails from similar sounding websites that promise to promote the product, blah, blah, blah, but they all want to get paid. But these people and the ones on my website are the real deal ~

I'm going to have to change my logo from "proudly made in Pennsylvania" because I just moved my workshop to Virginia. We'll be moving here full time once our PA. home is sold.
I'm wondering what to change it to. Proudly made in Virginia doesn't seem to have the same ring to it. Maybe 'proudly made in the U.S.A'. or 'made with pride in the U.S.A.' Hand made in the U.S.A. ? I'll have to come up with something.