I talked to the Fender Corporate tech guy yesterday and asked him about Fender discontinuing the CV line because of the exceptional build quality, tone, etc., and he said that no they won't be doing that becase it is a big money maker for them.

He also liked the bridge tone control mod that Spudman suggested to me and which I had done free by the tech at the local guitar shop. I like that bridge tone control too!

Also, on another disonant or consonant note, depending where your head is at, my lab had a litter of ten puppies starting at daybreak this morning. She was impregnated by my late pure bred Newfoundland. All the puppies were small and easy for her to deliver, luckily. I got the day off to aclimate the first time mother to her pups. She is being a great mother. Maybe some of you have seen her in some of the guitar pictures I've posted. I was also lucky enough to have some compasionate horse stable owners around her take care of me an made sure I got a pure bred Newfoundland male puppy, still has needle sharp puppy teeth; to replace my big six year old Newfoundland that impregnated the lab. He was killed by a car about six days ago and I've had the puppy for four days. Got him for 450 US dollars, unheard of for a purebred Newfoundland around here. There are some great people in the world and we don't even know them. Sometimes when you are down and out or suffer a tradgedy they materialize from the unknown, like these great people and they live right by me.

Again, twice more lucky: the puppies and the puppy. I'll probably give all the Lab/Newfoundland ones away.

Grooving on that new chiming guitar. Playing it all day in between helping with the puppies.


Thanks to all of you for the great info on the CV '50s on all the threads. I'm sure I would not have gotten one if not for the posts written here.