Nice setup! That is really all I wanted to start. I just wanted more options from the same kit. Which means fancier kits with much higher prices. That is what got me thinking about tearing apart some old "First Act" drum kits. Besides I wanted to build at least 3 kits. Getting past the hardware the the costly part. Oh... and whatever I figure out with the module.

I have a dm5 right well with any pads but only supports one-trigger I.e. mono triggers. I would like at least the snare and ride be two or three trigger pads for sideclick and bell etc.
All I'd like is the better snare and ride, BUT I'm pretty sure, as the DM5 has free inputs, that I can use a Y cable to split the stereo lead from stereo pads to TWO D5 inputs and assign sounds to them. That should work.
Couldn't you use a 2 zone snare and split it to the free inputs and assign the edge shot?
What I really can't stand about any of the modules is the lack of inputs. My research has uncovered the fact that it does not cost that much extra to double or triple the inputs. Especially when using Arduino or PIC or ARM. I really wish I was smarter sometimes!