All right, folks... here's the deal. Next Thursday (next week), we're going to a new venue and check out their open mic night. If all goes well, we'll be setting up to play there as a warm up to play at another place (we've got an open invite to come and play when we're ready), probably in the next few weeks. Problem is, we don't have a band name yet. Our focus is primarily country, with a few rockers thrown in for fun. Our singer and bass player are female. We've got a guy that can step in for a temporary drummer until we find a permanent one (I hope).

Any hints? Ideas? They would be greatly appreciated, and all serious ideas will be considered. The not-so-serious ones will be considered, too!

P.S. Just got back from practice, and added "If it Makes You Happy," by Sheryl Crow to our set list. The song rocks, and our singer nailed it!