Well, after owning it for a couple of weeks I can honestly say I am happy with the purchase. I'm still exploring, but I have found some settings that I am really happy with. It is also a lot of fun to experiment with the settings as one does a search for the ones you want to lock in on.

I see Amazon raised the price from $248 to $258. After I received mine, I contacted them to complain that they did not supply the adapter (another $19.65) and they told me to order one from a local store or on-line store and they would reimburse me. I ended up buying one through one of the stores that sells through Amazon and was reimbursed within 1 to 2 days.

In searching for info on the ME50 before and after my purchase, I came across a number of people in forums that did away with most of their pedals and went with the ME50 and seem happy. I can't say I got rid of any pedals, but I can say that I am happy with the purchase.

I still have the RP350 and PM me if anyone is interested.


A couple of my daughters friends are interested, but they are not showing me any green.