May I suggest Austin? It is the Live Music Capital of Texas, you know .

Seriously, though, this forum does great for a number of reasons, and here's my $.02.

Robert and VitalMyles established a very relaxed, friendly atmosphere here, centered around one concept: a love of guitars and playing. The rules are fairly enforced, with out alot of the drama and nastiness that goes on at other forums. Robert participates often and is always a source for positive comments. He starts threads of his own and joins in on others. In short, he sets the pace here, not by issuing stern edicts, but by "leading from the front," and treating others like he would want to be treated. Pretty darned commendable, and rare in this day and age.

The maturity level here is high. There's no flaming going on, and nobody is belittled for having a different point of view. Everybody it seems by unspoken agreement to use manners, which is again rare in this day and age.

We also have a good mix of experience levels here, from recorded, gigging musicians to beginners just starting out.

I would like to issue the "Thank You" to Robert and Myles, the mods, and the other members here for making this such a fun place to be.

And Robert - Wimmens? We don't need no steenking wimmens! (unless Jennifer Batten wants to join, or Lita Ford, or Susan Tedeschi, or Bonnie Raitt, or any one of the number of women that can outplay me with their hands tied behind their backs) They'll be all tryin' to hang ferns up in here, starting threads like "Does this Strat make my butt look big?"

The preceding content was made for humor purposes only, and does not seek to belittle or make fun of any one person, group or gender.